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New Map "Fire" Released Feb 9 2019 for Rainbow Six 3.
Map updated on June 26 2020.
Intel + Mission Objectives: A dangerous cartel in Brazil have taken an officials family hostage. Your mission is to rescue the hostages, plant a bug in one of two phones, prevent the destruction of finanicial records on one of the laptops and return to the extraction zone.
This video is just a random collection of clips. Some might be cut off, thats my bad. Not the best at video editing lol.
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Last edited by Legacy (2020-06-26 20:26:21)
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Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield is online with NEW content
Also Rogue Spear, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath even Vegas, SWAT 4 maps!
This map recieved an optimization update on June 26 2020. It should run a lot smoother now. Removed about 75% of the forest fire effects and some other changes.
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Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield is online with NEW content
Also Rogue Spear, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath even Vegas, SWAT 4 maps!