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This thread was last updated on JAN 29, 2024.
Good news! Rainbow Six 3 is still online with lots of new content in 2024! Often hailed as the last of the classic R6 series of the best hardcore tactical first person shooters in the world. Rainbow Six 3 on PC is Raven Shield, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath respectively. Black Arrow on console. R6 3 is active with content from original Rainbow Six, R6 Rogue Spear, R6 Vegas maps and more! Some remastered and some ported maps by Red Storm Entertainment and Ubisoft at the time as well as several remasters since then with a lot of graphical improvements and more.
The game supports multiple servers with game modes like:
• Cooperative:
Missions (Hostage Rescue, Capture the Commander, Bomb Defusal, Evidence Retrieval, Stealth etc)
Terrorist Hunt
• Adversarial PVP:
Team Deathmatch, Survival (Last Man Standing Deathmatch), Pilot, Team Bomb etc.
Featuring all styles of maps from small to large, close quarter battles, sniping long range firefights as well, outdoor maps, indoor, winter, summer, rainy, snowy, night time and everything in between. TRUE variety and something for everyone with difficulty level as well.
Some of the content that Rainbow Six 3 offers these days is modern sights/scopes that you see in todays games with on the fly features like turning on the G33 magnifier with Holographic for instance, new maps with destructible environment and improved special effects, detail and graphics overall. Custom camo skins for guns. New items like under door/corner snake camera, tactical flashlight that blinds enemies up close for a moment, medical kit to heal injuries and heal your team members and improved AI coding for backup operatives and tangos that call for backup, flank, use cover and more. Order your AI teams to breach and clear rooms and help you conquer the toughest missions. Even in COOP, if a server has less than 4 real people you get backup AI squad mates to help you fight, or you can let them sit back and follow you around or tell them to hold at the insertion point, using them as a backup reinforcement if things get tough. The game allows for variety of challenges and fun experience. The reason why its still online today with more content being made for it. Now for what you are here for...
To make the online servers show again for Rainbow Six 3 system:
1) Get the OpenRVS 1.6 Update (Jan 29, 2024)
Download from any of the following locations:
Option 1: (32kb)
Option 2: Github Release (32kb)
Option 3: ModDB (32kb)
2) Get the Sound Update so you can hear proper multiplayer sounds from custom maps and expansions
3) Get the optimization patch also, to fix freezing/lag etc (you can edit StartFullscreen= in Ravenshield.exe if you need to)
• R6 3 Optimization Patch
We HIGHLY recommend that you get the Optimization Patch. It will help run the latest maps smoother and it fixes a lot of issues with Windows 10 and modern PC compatibility. Just copy Mods and System folders into your Rainbow Six 3 Gold or Raven Shield folder.
1. Close the game, close Steam or Uplay
2. Copy each patch folder/file or merge to your Rainbow Six 3 or Raven Shield folder.
For example if you have the Steam version you would go to:
C: > Program Files > Steam > steamapps > common > Rainbow Six 3 > system
or for example with older retail version its typically:
C: > Program Files (x86) > Raven Shield > system
3. IMPORTANT! Set your connection speed to T3 in the Multiplayer Options like below:
Now launch your game from a shortcut on the desktop and go to Multiplayer > Internet (not LAN)
Play! Our servers are the ALLR6 servers in the server list. Stay frosty!
• I suggest 1920x1080 resolution for most people this looks the best.
• Right click Ravenshield.exe - Properties - Run As Administrator and Compatibility for Windows XP SP3
• Install this to properly optimize your game for smoother FPS and better graphics and sound:
[ ]
• WINDOWS 10 ISSUES: Sometimes it does not install to the game folder.
* If it still does not work, manual install the patch.
* Just install the patch to a folder on your desktop.
* Then just copy and paste the inside folders (sounds, armpatches, system)
to your game folder. Done!
• Our Facebook
• TGI Steam … teractive/
• Reddit
• Steam Group … ngnetwork/ (formerly ALLR6)
• Instagram
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• TGN YouTube:
Guides Written By, ALLR6 Developed By Legacy
OpenRVS Patch Developed By .Twi & Will & maintained with (Tony) and Will as of 2024.
Previous ALLR6 2.4 AutoInstaller Patch By Trosty
R6GameService Patch Developed By Chriswak
Last edited by Legacy (2024-01-29 14:35:58)
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Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield is online with NEW content
Also Rogue Spear, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath even Vegas, SWAT 4 maps!
If you have any problems let me know.
Some of you in Windows 10 may need to edit your RavenShield.ini in the System folder of your game.
Find the line
and make it
then you just press Alt+Enter when you launch the game when at the menu.
You maybe can try changing your VerticleSync settings too.
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Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield is online with NEW content
Also Rogue Spear, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath even Vegas, SWAT 4 maps!
Thanks heaps for setting this up, I play online with some friends on the servers. good fun.
Have an issue with enemies being invisible temporarily, or just appearing after a few seconds of spotting them (usually enough time for them to kill you), not sure if its lag related? (i am on the other side of the world to the servers) wasn't sure if anyone else has a similar problem.
Also, when creating your own online match, are you able to share some info on how it works or how to set it up or IF it works? I got a match running the other day, but didnt have a friend around at the time to test to see if they could join via IP or see it on the server list.
Leroy give this a try:
Make sure your internet connection speed in the menu options of the game is T3
As for servers, we run paid servers. About $70 a month for ours.
You can host a LAN server and give friends your IP, it should work.
But why not just join us hehe.
Leroy were you on one of the ALLR6 servers earlier today? I might have seen you perhaps?
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Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield is online with NEW content
Also Rogue Spear, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath even Vegas, SWAT 4 maps!
The current RVSUpdate 2.2 can be found here:
Catch my Streams here Twitch and as "trosty - Just game play" on Youtube.
Make sure your internet connection speed in the menu options of the game is T3
You can host a LAN server and give friends your IP, it should work.
But why not just join us hehe.
Yes I have it set at that.
Ok thanks
Well, its not easy playing Raven Shield with a ping over 300ms.
But we have people from all over the world literally who play with no lag. Even those in Venezuela with like 56K practically haha. Awe
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Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield is online with NEW content
Also Rogue Spear, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath even Vegas, SWAT 4 maps!
But we have people from all over the world literally who play with no lag. Even those in Venezuela with like 56K practically haha. Awe
which servers?
One server can't be sub 50ms all over the world. and with no ping shown on the server browser, you can't tell which is located where.
ALLR6 | Tango Hunt, Missions and Zombies.
All have had no issues. Literally people from Serbia, Canada, USA, UK, Norway, Germany, Russia, France, Italy, Australia, Brazil, Venezuela, Spain and even Japan played on it. I guess because its an older game too it doesn't require as much bandwidth to run it.
You may also increase your rendering memory and cache sizes with this update: which helped a few people.
You may join us on comms at too (also text channels if you dont want to use a mic) and you will see what I mean. People from everywhere
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Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield is online with NEW content
Also Rogue Spear, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath even Vegas, SWAT 4 maps!
The latest patch v2.3 added today!
• Get it from [ RVS 2.3 2017 PATCH MOD DB ]
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Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield is online with NEW content
Also Rogue Spear, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath even Vegas, SWAT 4 maps!
What language do you speak?
Howcome you and your friends dont play on our servers? ALLR6 ?
You and your friends installed the 2.3 patch yes?
Come to I will talk to you there on Discord app there is another file I have to send you if you are going to host your server on LAN.
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Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield is online with NEW content
Also Rogue Spear, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath even Vegas, SWAT 4 maps!
This quick fix restores the server list for Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield.
Works with Ubisoft, Steam or original Retail version.
REQUIRES OpenRVS 1.5 Multiplayer Patch first! Which you can get here in the original post.
If any questions just ask here or on in #techsupport or #rainbowsix3 channel.
Just copy/merge the respective folder onto your game's folder to update.
This does not change any of your settings.