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If you get an error like this:
[== Undefined ==]
"OS: Windows NT 6.2 (Build: 9200)
CPU: AuthenticAMD Unknown processor @ 3396 MHz with 2047MB RAM
Video: AMD Radeon RX 6950 XT (1028)
General protection fault!
History: UD3DRenderDevice::SetRes <- RecreateDevice <- UD3DRenderDevice::Lock <- UViewport::Lock <- UWindowsViewport::Lock <- UGameEngine::Draw <- UWindowsViewport::Repaint <- UWindowsClient::Tick <- ClientTick <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop"
And you are running a program called MSI Afterburner. Try turning it off. One person said that fixed it for them.
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Also Rogue Spear, Athena Sword, Iron Wrath even Vegas, SWAT 4 maps!