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Topic review (newest first)

2021-07-04 03:17:42

I've a question.
Is this patch supposed to fix missing footstep sounds in some maps?
Because, if my memory serves me correctly, I'm sure I installed it and am still having that problem.

2017-02-21 16:06:55
Pvt_Pirate wrote:

i can't download from googleDrive.
Can you upload it somewhere else? …

^ Try that

Google Drive is just faster and more people know it.
Howcome you can't DL from there?

2017-02-21 14:18:54

i can't download from googleDrive.
Can you upload it somewhere else?

2017-02-12 13:51:22

nice patch, thx, next time im gonna install AS and do that

2017-02-12 13:18:00

Fixes Rainbow Six 3 sounds. Adds Athena Sword, Iron Wrath sounds to Rainbow Six 3 properly. Also several custom map sounds and more for multiplayer servers so you can hear everything properly on the servers when playing.

1. Download (Choose Whichever One Downloads Fastest For You)

2. How to install instructions:
Copy/Merge/Overwrite Sounds Folder to your Sounds Folder in your Rainbow Six 3 Gold or Raven Shield folder.

Thats it!

Back up the old folder if you wish but this is a direct copy from my games's files.
Including the needed gun and map sounds from the Athena Sword and Iron Wrath expansions.

This ensures a more complete sound experience.
You WILL notice the fix once its done and its a way better experience to play with the fix.
Tons of missing ambiences and more will now play in game.


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